What Are The Best Dog Calming Remedies?

There’s nothing quite like the bond we share with our canine companions. Dogs provide us with unwavering loyalty, companionship, and love. However, just like humans, dogs can also experience anxiety and stress. Learning how to keep our furry friends calm naturally is crucial for their overall health and happiness. In this blog, we’ll explore the reasons behind canine anxiety, recognize the signs of stress, and discuss the best dog-calming remedies that you can try before considering prescription options. Remember, if you’re ever uncertain or concerned about your dog’s anxiety, consulting your veterinarian is essential. 

Why Are Dogs Anxious?

Canine anxiety can stem from various triggers, such as separation anxiety, fear of loud noises, changes in routine or environment, and more. Recognising the signs of anxiety is vital to providing proper care for your beloved pet. Watch out for excessive barking, whining, destructive behaviour, panting, pacing, trembling, loss of appetite, or a desire to hide or escape from stressful situations.

Tips for Calming Your Dog Naturally

Create and Maintain a Consistent Schedule

Dogs thrive on predictability and structure. Establishing a consistent daily routine for your dog can help them feel secure and comfortable. Regular feeding times, exercise sessions, playtimes, and sleep schedules are all part of this routine. Avoid significant changes in your dog’s schedule, as even small disruptions can cause stress. 

Play Music or White Noise

Soothing music or white noise can create a calming environment for your anxious dog. Many apps and playlists are specifically curated to calm and relax dogs. This can be particularly helpful during thunderstorms or fireworks when unpredictable noises trigger anxiety. 

Dress Them in a Thundershirt

Thundershirts are designed to help dogs cope with stressful situations by applying gentle pressure to their bodies. The sensation mimics the feeling of being hugged, which can soothe anxiety-inducing events. 

Exercise and Playtime Are Important

Regular exercise not only keeps your dog physically healthy but also releases endorphins that reduce anxiety and stress. Engage in activities like walking or have some dog accessories that will help you play with your furry friend. This can include playing fetch, tug-of-war, or running in the back garden. These activities also provide quality bonding time between you and your furry friend. 

Keep Your Dog Mentally Stimulated

Mental stimulation is equally important as physical exercise. Use puzzle toys and engage in training sessions to keep your dog’s mind active. Interactive play with other dogs and their human parents can also provide mental stimulation. 

Try Pheromones

Synthetic pheromones, such as Adaptil, can help calm dogs in new or anxious environments. These pheromones mimic the ones dogs release to communicate with each other, promoting a sense of security and calmness. Adaptil is available in diffusers, sprays, and collars. 

Groom Your Dog

Regular dog grooming not only keeps your dog clean and healthy but also serves as a relaxing bonding experience. The act of brushing your dog’s coat releases endorphins that reduce stress and promote relaxation. Purchasing dog shampoo that will not only keep them smelling good but can help stop them getting itchy and stressed is a great way to keep everyone happy.

Give Them Natural Supplements

Certain natural supplements can aid in calming your dog. Nutramax Solliquin Soft Chews, VetriScience Composure Soft Chews, and Purina Calming Care Supplement Powder are popular options. Always consult your veterinarian before using any supplements, as they can recommend the best fit based on your dog’s health history. 

Use Desensitisation Techniques

Desensitisation techniques involve gradually exposing your dog to the source of their anxiety in a controlled and positive manner. This process helps them overcome fears and anxieties. Work with your veterinarian or a behaviourist to create a safe desensitisation plan for your furry friend.

Discuss the Next Steps with Your Veterinarian

If your dog’s anxiety persists or worsens, consult your veterinarian. They can provide a holistic plan for calming your dog naturally, including behaviour modification therapy, prescription medication, or a referral to a veterinary behaviourist. Every dog is unique, so it’s essential to find the best approach for your individual pet.

Caring for an anxious dog requires patience, understanding, and a willingness to try different calming remedies. By creating a consistent routine, providing mental and physical stimulation, and exploring natural options like music, pheromones, and supplements, you can help your furry friend live a happier, stress-free life. Remember, when in doubt, always seek guidance from your veterinarian to ensure your dog’s well-being. Together, you and your loyal companion can tackle anxiety and create a stranger bond in the process.